With a big frame and bold colors, you don’t care who sees you in the. If there was ever an armor set that oozed samurai visuals, it would definitely be the Gosaku Armor. You can really easily get one of Ghost of Tsushima’s best armor sets straight away in Act 1 by heading to the … Share your OP loadouts and rate the others Web12.

If you love pressing triangle and stunning the ever living shit out of your enemies then this is the set for you. Players can equip various types of … New Players: General Advice on Upgrades, Charms, and Techniques best offensive armor ghost of tsushima mean Best Armor in Ghost of Tsushima - WebGosaku is the best armour for offensive melee.
You now need to enter the door in the mountain up ahead, and do some platforming.Best offensive armor ghost of tsushima 11 Best Armor Sets In Ghost Of Tsushima (& How To Get Them) - Gam… Armor Guide - Armor Locations and Upgrades - Ghost of Tsushima. Off you go! When you get there, be prepared for battle with another cluster of Mongols, who are easy enough to beat. It's marked on your map: a hill in Akashima prefecture, in the southern part of Totoyama. Once you've ground out those seemingly neverending farm quests, you can finally go claim the armour. Ghost of Tsushima: Gosaku's Armour location

For those who've yet to begin, our Ghost Of Tsushima length page lets you know how much time you need to dedicating to finishing the game.įor those looking for completing side-quests, we have lists of Ghost Of Tsushima Hot Spring, Ghost Of Tsushima Bamboo Strike and Ghost Of Tsushima Mythic Tales locations. Looking for more help? Our Ghost of Tsushima walkthrough provides an overview of the critical path, including how to complete missions The Broken Blacksmith and Shadow of the Samurai.

There are bonus objectives but they can be ignored and usually aren't worth the extra time. Regardless, they'll be marked on your map for you, so just go to the farms clear them out and don't let the prisoners die - meaning it helps to use a bit of stealth to start off with, at least to get you close to the prisoner. This one's extremely straightforward, and you can actually collect the keys by liberating these farms beforehand anyway. Each time the prisoner will give you a key, and once you have six you can unlock the place where Gosaku's Armour is held.
You need to go to six different villages and free the prisoners there. The Unbreakable Gosaku: how to get the six keys Specifically, you'll find the musician Yamato in the south east of the village itself. It's found in the south east of the Totoyama region in Akashima village. The Unbreakable Gosaku Mythic Tale is available after you start Act 2 of Ghost of Tsushima. How to start The Unbreakable Gosaku in Ghost of Tsushima Once done, our Ghost of Tsushima Mythic Tales locations page can help with starting and finishing the other quests. Watch on YouTube Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut - PS5 Upgrades Tested - The DF Tech Review